Hey guys, unfortunately Ive been gone for several months and have been unable to attend to LTS’ blog. Ive been extremely busy with schooling and volunteering so I barely have time to sleep, let alone keep in touch with the newest things in entertainment. But I promise you this I will try to do my best and not forsaken you again… Im working on something big that requires a lot of diligence and dedication from my part and Im sure your all right behind me supporting me. In the mean time, lets concentrate on Dead Space 3 which has unanimously taken the “horror suspense” crown away from RESIDENT EVIL. Personally, I love them both and think that both have their moments and excellent back stories. Resident Evil 6 should be out by now? truly I’m not sure, since I havent been able to play games for nearly 2 months now. BUT! THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY IM MISSING THE RELEASE OF HALO OR DEAD SPACE 3. So I’ll leave you for now with a view of Dead space 3.

One Response to “IT’S BEEN A WHILE!”

  1. Alright, I really can’t relate to anything video game (except Super Mario…wait, was that even a video game?!) but WELCOME BACK, LEO!!! Haha šŸ˜€

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